Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wordle / Delicious Graphic

Here's the address to the word picture I made.

I'm not at my home computer so I will try to jing the image and publish in my blog later.

On a side note, I put this blog and other class activities on my delicious page so that I can access these sites when I am away from my home computer. I'm also finding some neat chemistry websites while doing work for another class. Since I know these sights will be useful when I am a chemistry teacher, I am glad I have a way to save them for later.

Because Wordle is licensed, I had to respect their desire to reference where I was able to create this graphic. I had to model digital citizenship and responsibility as I maintain respect for copyright and appropriate documentation of this resource (NETS-T #4). Even though I used jing to get the wordle file and publish to my blog, I must attribute the image to the wordle website.

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