Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jing Graphic 1 & 2

I was excited to try out the Jing software as I am working on another assignment and was stuck with my current capabilities with technology. I am working on a chemistry lesson plan for the nature of science. I used a graphic that I copied from a lesson plan I found on the web. The original graphic was a square with lines to make a puzzle. I added the text which supports the history of the periodic table timeline that I created. The idea is that the pieces fit together to make a square when given the individual pieces of the puzzle. Each piece represents a new finding that led to the Periodic Table of Elements. The students are required to figure out how the pieces fit together much like scientists had to put the pieces together to create the periodic table that we use today.

I will post the timeline on goggle docs so that if you are interested you can see where I am going with all this. I will try to post my lesson plan once I polish it. Now that I have this new technology up my sleeve, I can really have some fun!

Here is the link to the jing tool. I also made another file that tells the teacher the order of shapes to be used in the lesson. This file is here at.

This assignment was a great way to model digital-age work and learning. I had to develop fluency in Jing and then transfer this knowledge to a new situation (NETS-T #3). Learning snipping and Jing gave me 2 new ways to copy and paste images.

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