Saturday, February 6, 2010

Self Portrait

For fun and for this assignment, I created a self-portrait, Picasso style, at the website,

At first I thought I could just click on the elements I wanted, but that was not working. Then I realized that I need to click and drag. Ah-ha! Maybe I need another cup of coffee to wake up this morning. I was also frustrated with the hair choices since I have longer and fuller hair. So I ended up using about 7 hair pieces to fit together to make a full head of hair. Voila!

So here is the web address to my Picassohead: It was a fun assignment.

So without snipping software, I cannot snip the picture and post it to this blog. But I can print the picture, scan it as a jpeg file, and then upload it to the blog. Here goes... It worked, and by scanning it, I was able to add my own signature to my creation.

This assignment was an interesting way to inspire student learning and creativity where I was challenged to model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness (NETS-T #1).

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