Saturday, February 6, 2010

Area Line Bar Pie Scatter


Average scores overall both in the nation and in West Virginia (WV) were increasing until 2000. Prior to 2000, accommodations were not made for students with disabilities. After 2000 with accommodations being made, scores should parallel the national average, but instead math scores started dropping. As the rest of the country have seen improvement in scores, WV has not. This is a problem that needs to be fixed. As the head of the statewide program, I am requesting money to address the situation. We need to evaluate the current program in WV and compare it to what other states are doing. We cannot be left behind and must help our students improve in math.

This assignment gave me a chance to use an internet tool (Kid Zone) and an internet resource (National Assessment) to use resulting data to inform learning and teaching. I was involved in developing a digital age learning experience (NETS-T #2).

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