Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ignite Presentaion: Air, what is it?

Check out my new and improved Slideshare presentation:

This prentation is also available in my google docs and at my FSU ftp page where the presentation is in the Ignite format. This emerging digital tool pushed me out of my comfort zone but helped me learn how to transfer current knowledge to new technologies and situations (NETS-T #3).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Embedded Presentation: What Is Air?

Check out my SlideShare Presentation:

I can't believe how easy it is to embed a presentation from slideshare into a blog. This is getting really cool. Learning about and using new technologies is helping me to develop fluency in digital-age work and learning (NETS-T #3).

Friday, February 19, 2010

Power Point, Round 2

Click here for my new presentation in google docs. Click here to see it in slideshare.

So now I discoverd how to embed a link and now will try to embed the presentation onto my blog.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Google Presentation and Google Docs

As I uploaded my Power Point presentation to Google Docs, I learned something. Google does not accept .pptx but it does accept .ppt. So I had to resave my presentation to upload, and here it is.

I also noticed that my other docs were not "shared" properly so I opened them up to share.

Learning and making mistakes is all part of education. In order to model digital-age work and learning, I have to get out of my comfort zone and learn a few new things (NETS-T #3). These assignments have given me the opportunity to model effective use of current digital tools (power point and google docs) to support student success and motivation.

Power Point, Round 1

I am sure no one else is as excited as I am about the Periodic Table of Elements, but I had to prepare a lesson plan which combined the Nature of Science and the history of the Periodic Table. So this presentation fit right into my lesson plan. The slides are not flashy, but it works in conjunction with a hands-on project that the students will be doing throughout the presentation.

The idea behind this lesson is that the Periodic Table which we have today was developed over time as elements were discovered and as scientists began to see trends in the elements. Also, as more elements are discovered, scientist need to fit them into the current table or the table may need to be modified, as it was in the past. It is fascinating to see the progression of understanding and how scientists used trial and error to create this table we use today.

Using Power Point gave me the chance to engage in professional growth and leadership (NETS-T #5). I was able to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wordle / Delicious Graphic

Here's the address to the word picture I made.

I'm not at my home computer so I will try to jing the image and publish in my blog later.

On a side note, I put this blog and other class activities on my delicious page so that I can access these sites when I am away from my home computer. I'm also finding some neat chemistry websites while doing work for another class. Since I know these sights will be useful when I am a chemistry teacher, I am glad I have a way to save them for later.

Because Wordle is licensed, I had to respect their desire to reference where I was able to create this graphic. I had to model digital citizenship and responsibility as I maintain respect for copyright and appropriate documentation of this resource (NETS-T #4). Even though I used jing to get the wordle file and publish to my blog, I must attribute the image to the wordle website.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jing 2

This time I needed to do more than just capture an image for the Jing Screencast. I had to make a video. So here is my attempt at making a Jing Screencast where I share with you a technology lesson I learned. You can see the video in my library here. Enjoy!

Once again I got to model digital-age work and learning (NETS-T #3). I am now fluent in Jing and can use this knowledge in other assignments.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jing Graphic 1 & 2

I was excited to try out the Jing software as I am working on another assignment and was stuck with my current capabilities with technology. I am working on a chemistry lesson plan for the nature of science. I used a graphic that I copied from a lesson plan I found on the web. The original graphic was a square with lines to make a puzzle. I added the text which supports the history of the periodic table timeline that I created. The idea is that the pieces fit together to make a square when given the individual pieces of the puzzle. Each piece represents a new finding that led to the Periodic Table of Elements. The students are required to figure out how the pieces fit together much like scientists had to put the pieces together to create the periodic table that we use today.

I will post the timeline on goggle docs so that if you are interested you can see where I am going with all this. I will try to post my lesson plan once I polish it. Now that I have this new technology up my sleeve, I can really have some fun!

Here is the link to the jing tool. I also made another file that tells the teacher the order of shapes to be used in the lesson. This file is here at.

This assignment was a great way to model digital-age work and learning. I had to develop fluency in Jing and then transfer this knowledge to a new situation (NETS-T #3). Learning snipping and Jing gave me 2 new ways to copy and paste images.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Self Portrait

For fun and for this assignment, I created a self-portrait, Picasso style, at the website, http://www.mrpicassohead.com/create.html.

At first I thought I could just click on the elements I wanted, but that was not working. Then I realized that I need to click and drag. Ah-ha! Maybe I need another cup of coffee to wake up this morning. I was also frustrated with the hair choices since I have longer and fuller hair. So I ended up using about 7 hair pieces to fit together to make a full head of hair. Voila!

So here is the web address to my Picassohead: http://www.mrpicassohead.com/canvas.html?id=6f2f4ae&skin=original. It was a fun assignment.

So without snipping software, I cannot snip the picture and post it to this blog. But I can print the picture, scan it as a jpeg file, and then upload it to the blog. Here goes... It worked, and by scanning it, I was able to add my own signature to my creation.

This assignment was an interesting way to inspire student learning and creativity where I was challenged to model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness (NETS-T #1).

Area Line Bar Pie Scatter


Average scores overall both in the nation and in West Virginia (WV) were increasing until 2000. Prior to 2000, accommodations were not made for students with disabilities. After 2000 with accommodations being made, scores should parallel the national average, but instead math scores started dropping. As the rest of the country have seen improvement in scores, WV has not. This is a problem that needs to be fixed. As the head of the statewide program, I am requesting money to address the situation. We need to evaluate the current program in WV and compare it to what other states are doing. We cannot be left behind and must help our students improve in math.

This assignment gave me a chance to use an internet tool (Kid Zone) and an internet resource (National Assessment) to use resulting data to inform learning and teaching. I was involved in developing a digital age learning experience (NETS-T #2).

More Graph Types: Area Line Bar Pie Scatter


The overall trend in math for both West Virginia (WV) and for the nation is increasing. Beginning in 1992, WV had an average score of 215 versus the national score of 219. Over the next ten years steady progress was made and then a significant jump occurred in 2003 where the national average was 234 and WV had an average of 223. One thing to note is that prior to 2000, accommodations were not made for students with disabilities.

The only concern in the data is in 2009 where the average in WV went down. A drop of 3 points from 236 in 2007 to 233 in 2009 may mean there is a problem. Before jumping to conclusions, we need to wait until the data from 2010 is available to determine if this is a downward trend or an anomaly. If the trend continues, math education in WV needs to be reevaluated. As the head of the statewide program, I would like to wait until data from this school year is made available before requesting any additional funds.

This assignment gave me a chance to use an internet tool (Kid Zone) and an internet resource (National Assessment) to use resulting data to inform learning and teaching. I was involved in developing a digital age learning experience (NETS-T #2).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

More Graph Types: Line

At google docs, I have 2 new documents discussing WV vs. national average in 4th grade math and 8th grade math.

As much fun Kid Zone was for creating a graph, I am much more comfortable in Microsoft Excel where I have been creating graphs for years.

This is another assignment where I was challenged to design and develop a digital-age learning experience (NETS-T #2). Taking data and formulating a graph that others can understand helps promote student learning. The resources found on computers and on the internet provide tools and resources that help adapt relevant learning experiences.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Graph Something / Venn Diagram

I had fun making this diagram. It can be found here.

This assignment challenged me to design a digital-age learning experienced. I had to develop a relevant learning experience (research of expenditure) by incorporating a digital resource (Crappy Graphics website) to promote learning and creativity (NETS-T #2)).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Draw Something

I admit that I am more left-brained than right-brained. So even when I get the chance to draw something, it is not very creative. I drew using Microsoft Paint again. I wanted to make a diagram showing what we have learned thus far with the corresponding website address. The spray paint option is as creative as I get. Although, I did have fun spray painting the background!

I used Paint again, but this time I saved it as a .jpeg file. The file itself is 162 KB which a lot smaller than last time when I saved it as a .bit which was 817 KB.

Using software like Microsoft Paint help help my customize learning activities to address different learning styles and abilities. This digital-age learning experience will help me to incorporate contemporary tools and resources to maximize learning (NETS-T #2).

Snip, Snip, Snip, Part 2

Since I need to not just learn how to snip but also edit a snip, I am editing my original snip. The first thing I wanted to do was get rid of the red outline. It looks like a preschooler did the snip. So once I got just the snip logo, I could have a little fun with some of the other editing tools. My favorite was the flip horizontal. It makes for a nifty mirror image of the original.

Once again, I get the chance to model more digital-age work and learning. This assignment helped me to facilitate effective use of current tools such as snipping software (NETS-T #3). In the future, I can use tools like this to evaluate and use information resources to support research and learning.