Friday, April 30, 2010

Assessment Rubric

You cannot have a chemistry class without doing a few labs. It is a great way to do science instead of just reading about science. Students will complete a chemistry lab will write a lab report for homework. This will give students a chance to really process what they learned in the lab. The lab report will have the following format:

Introduce the lab and include any important concepts and vocabulary. The procedure should reflect the teacher’s instructions for the lab. The procedure should also include anything the student did in the lab in addition to the teacher’s instructions.

SAFETY (4 points)
The student should explain the safety procedures necessary for this lab even if it was just wearing goggles and cleaning up when they were done. Proper handling and disposing of chemical must be listed.

In this section, the student will list usually in a data table the information collected in the lab. The student will also provided an example calculation and add the calculations to the data table.

The student will publish the results of the lab even if it is that the results of inconclusive due to error. The student will provide a concise conclusion of the results which will include recommendations for ways to improve the lab.

Students will turn in the lab report on the due date for full credit. There will be a 1 point deduction for each day late. Grammar and spelling is important and will be corrected. Any errors will also lead to point deduction.

From this format, I created this rubric using the online spreadsheet at Rubistar.

I enjoyed doing this assignment as it was also part of an assignment for PHSC 4431 where I had to write a lesson plan that included a lab. This assignment gave me the opportunity to develop a digital-age learning assessment (NETS-T #2). I could have just used a table in a word document to make a rubric, but the online creator was much easier and more fun to use. I am glad to have this digital tool to help me promote student learning.

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