Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Podcast, Post 2

Using this newfound technology skill of creating podcasts will be advantageous to my high school chemistry classroom. I thoroughly enjoyed making the safety podcast published in my previous post. It was an easy way to teach the message of CSO SC.O.C.1 "implement safe procedures and practices when manipulating equipment, materials, organisms, and models."

I would like to use podcasts in my chemistry classroom. I would implement podcasts into homework assignments so students could review information prior to coming to class. So much of chemistry is hands-on that I do not have a lot of time going over previously taught information.

In the future, I would continue to use podbean to store and publish podcasts. I liked audacity for the recording of my podcasts. And I will most certainly utilize all that NASA IV&V offers to educators especially in the area of podcasting. This was a great opportunity to design and develop a digital-age learning experience. Using this technology rich software, I will be able to encourage all students to become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

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