Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Google Forms (Assessment Forms)

Using Google Forms, I created a sign-up form for students who will be presenting a topic of their choice. This assignment requires students to pick a topic, research the information, and present their findings to the class. This Google Form helped me establish a sign-up sheet so that I can have an organized way to maintain the information.

This assignment is in line with NETS-T #2, develop digital-age learning experiences. This formative assessment provided me the opportunity to use the resulting data to inform learning and teaching. I will certainly make good use of Google Forms in my professional and personal life.


  1. Can you resize the width? It is funky looking. I would loose the embed and go with the link.

  2. I tried to resize the width in the HTML embed, but it still looks squished, doesn't it?

  3. Link is better than embed sometimes :)
