Saturday, April 3, 2010


Here is my Prezi presentation on pH. Now say that 10 times fast.

What I liked about Prezi the non-linear approach to presentations. What I did not like as the non-linear approach to presentations. No, that is not a typo. Most presentations are linear in that they proceed from one slide to the next in a step-by-step format. Instead of teaching a concept and working out from that center. We start at the beginning and work our way to the end. I do like this non-linear approach, but I am having a hard time because it is new and different. I have spent so much time learning and use linear based methods that this challenges my old way of doing things.

The advantage of Prezi is that you can do things that are not available in Power Point. I also like the feature that allows you to download the Prezi so you do not have to be online to present it. The disadvantage for me is writing math and chemical equations. I know how to use subscript and superscript in Power Point, but Prezi does not have that feature. So I had to create a Power Point slide and snip the image to download into Prezi. I am still waiting for an effective tool for us math geeks which will allow us to use and present long mathematical equations.

This assignment was a great yet hard way for me to model digital-age work and learning (NET-S #3). I will admit that it was hard for me to demonstrate fluency in this new technology (Prezi). I had to transfer what I knew about Power Point and apply it to this new situation in Prezi. It might have been easier if I had no knowledge of Power Point presentations and just jumped into Prezi first. But I am old school and am learning new ways of doing things.

I am having a hard time embedding my Prezi to my blog. I posted a question in Blackboard and hope to have an answer and an embedded image soon....So I figured out that I just need to copy the code from Prezi and paste it into this blog post. Now I have the Prezi on this blog, but I do not like how it shows up.


  1. If I were you I would go into the HTML tab in the blog post and resize the PREZI to make it square. i.e. 400 * 400 instead of rectangle.

  2. Whenever I try to resize the Prezi, I lose the file. I have had to republish the file multiple times because of this.
