Thursday, January 28, 2010

After watching the YouTube video on social bookmarking....

1) Describe the 3 steps to recommend in the film to get started social bookmarking?
First, go to to register and add buttons to your browser.
Second, bookmark the websites that I like and will use. It is best to use tags to make the storage and retrieval more user friendly.
Third, be social. Other teachers and students can see the sites I use and bookmark. It is a way to share with others the great websites I have found. I can communicate this relevant information more effectively with students and with other teachers by using this digital format (NETS-T #3).

2) Describe is Web 2.0, and how it differs from previous stages of the web?
At first I was looking for Web 2.0 software. Ugh, is this something else I need to buy? After reading the preface to Web 2.0 for Schools, I realize that Web 2.0 is not a software but a paradigm shift in the way we use the internet. It is a new way of using, sharing, and connecting through websites. In the past, email is what connected people on the web. Now people can connect to individuals or within groups using websites. This is another way to communicate relevant information and ideas to other people. This digital-age media is an excellent way to share ideas and information as well as collaborate with others to support student interaction. (NETS-T #3).

3) What is social bookmarking and what advantages does social bookmarking offer that traditional storage and retrieval of web sites does not?
Traditional storage and retrieval methods benefit me on my own computer. I have my favorite websites tagged for personal use. Social bookmarking benefits others as they can retrieve the same websites I have found to be useful. Social bookmarking helps me as I do not have a laptop. As I go from my home computer to the computers at school, I do not have remember or write down all those nifty websites. I can just go to delicious and retrieved them there. Great! I can share these websites with other people as I use this digital resource (NETS-T #3).

"Social bookmarking sites that a world of chaos and make it orderly."

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