Sunday, March 28, 2010

Get a You Tube Video

Using the software I found here, I was able to download this great video I found on You Tube. First I had to download the clip in Ipod Video (MOV) format and then convert the video to Windows Media Video (WMV) in order to upload it to this blog.

Mr. Duey has some great math raps and has his own website and can be found at Teacher Tube. Since chemistry is math intensive, I will be glad to use this video to help them with fractions.

This assignment helped me to engage in professional growth (NETS-T #5). I had to expand my horizons and not just make a video but download an existing video. I was able to make effective use of existing digital resources in support of student learning.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Let me tell you about helium....

This assignment gave me another opportunity in developing a digital-age learning experience (NETS-T #2). I had to adapt a relevant learning experience about the element helium into a digital tool to promote student learning. After watching my video, do you now know that helium does not interact with other elements?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Video: Windows Movie Maker

Enjoy this Power Point presentation turned video.

You can also see this video at TeacherTube.

This assignment was a great way to inspire student learning and creativity (NETS-T#1). I was able to model creative and innovative thinking when I created and uploaded this video.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Presentation Games

It was so much fun to make my own Jeopardy game. My family watches Jeopardy every night that we are home, and we feel smart when we actually know the answers. Even my 8 and 11 year old children come up with good answers.

I got so excited to make my own jeopardy game that I made this game before I read through all the instructions and realized that I was suppose to make a game after I found a Power Point Presentation which supports WV CSO's.

So here is the presentation and here is the second jeopardy game I made but this one supports a presentation. I found the presentation at this website that provides free power points on atomic structure. Both the presentation and the game support the following WV CSO's:

SC.O.C.2.6 Students will generate the correct formula and/or name for ionic and molecular compounds.

SC.O.C.2.7 Students will analyze periodic trends in atomic size, ionic size, electronegativity, ionization energy, and electron affinity.

SC.O.C.2.8 Students will predict the type pf bonding that occurs between atoms and characterize the properties of the ionic, covalent, or metallic substances.

I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment as it was a great way to develop a digital age learning experience and assessment (NETS-T #2). I got to adapt a digital tool to promote student learning by creating these Jeopardy games.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

PPT Animation 2

Here is an animation about popcorn. Special thanks to google images and The Popcorn Board of graphs and information. Since I cannot create this graphics on my own, I need to reference the sites that provided them. I am promoting good digital citizenship and responsibility (NETS-T #4). In this assignment, I modeled legal use of digital information including respect for copyright and the appropriate documentation of sources.

PPT Animation 1

Watch the reaction of ammonia and hydrochloric acid:

I do not understand why the embedded slide does not keep the custom animation. You can see it here where it keeps the animation. Even with the challenges in this assignment I am leaning to communicate relevant information and ideas effectively with students and teachers and us students learning to be teachers (NETS-T #3).

Wordle 2.0

Here are my tags from my delicious account snipped, saved, uploaded, and blogged. This digital-age learning experience gave me a new way to adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools such as Wordle to promote student learning and creativity (NETS-T #2).